An issue that may create a perfect scenario for mold activity to occur is hoarding.…

Pregnancy and Mold
Eradicator is aware that pregnancy is a special and joyous time shared between those involved. It involves the excitement of bringing a newborn into the world to raise and love. Nonetheless, pregnancy can also trigger anxieties depending on the circumstances as there is much to consider when pregnant, including the safety of certain foods, vaccines, and activities. However, unseen threats like mold may pose the most danger to a healthy pregnancy. Mold can cause significant health issues for pregnant women, and in some cases, the unborn child.
According to one source, “Many women have reported birth defects and miscarriage in their unborn child after having severe exposure to mold during their pregnancy.” Even though this is subjective evidence, which means it is women telling individual stories, it should not be taken lightly. It is best and most logical to avoid mold at all costs while pregnant. Mold spores are microscopic, can become airborne, and once it starts spreading may go unnoticed. Mold also hides in surprising places, therefore getting a mold professional to test your home is an important task that should be included on a prenatal care list. Eradicator professionals strongly suggest attempting to remove mold yourself should not be an option as it increases unnecessary exposure to mold spores.
There is not much research that shows a link between mold and negative effects on pregnancy, due to it being highly unethical to think of exposing pregnant women to mold for the purpose of a scientific study. However, it is believed that toxic mold, like Stachybotrys, could harm pregnant women and possibly the baby growing inside. This type of mold being referred to is black mold. Black mold is the most dangerous because it can take the longest to grow and eventually become the predominant mold, and as shown in animal studies, even low levels of mold exposure can suppress the immune system. This can result in the following health problems:
The dangers of black mold during pregnancy are real. When pregnant, a strong immune system is needed to protect against viruses and bacteria. If exposed to black mold, you will have a weakened immune system that will make you vulnerable to illnesses that can affect your child in utero. In addition, if you experience depression as a result of mold exposure, there is a chance your child could inherit a vulnerability to depression, meaning they may inherit a tendency to develop the illness themselves. In fact, according to an article on The Daily Mail website, “Children whose mothers were depressed during pregnancy have a lifelong increased risk of mental illnesses such as anxiety and mood disorders.”
Given that mold is a general health hazard and there is circumstantial evidence that it can affect a pregnancy, mold remediation is a wise decision. Black mold can cause serious physical and mental consequences to both mother and child, it is best to ensure every space you frequent, including your workplace, is mold free. If you are concerned or suspect the need to hire a professional contact us. Eradicator experienced mold inspectors utilize the proper equipment and safety precautions to ensure your environment, and, in effect, your pregnancy, are mold free.